Venerable Mann Family Tree
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Mann Family Reunion
3014 Amherst Avenue
Burlington, NC  27215

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Name: Karen MannDate: 2/21/2010
I'm trying to do a little genealogical research, and stumbled upon your page. My branch of the Mann family is from Carteret County, North Carolina. I've been able to trace it back to my great-great grandfather, William Holland Mann, but can't find out who his parent were. I'm hoping you have more information. Please contact me if you can tell me more.
City: Raleigh
Country: United States

Name: Myron MannDate: 1/1/2010

My Mann family are from Stanly County. My ggg grandfather Henry Mann was married to Marth Holt and both are buried in Stanly Co at Mann Burleson Cemetery. I believe his father was Malachi Mann who was married to Jennie Jane Underwood in 1774. I have been unable to trace the origins of Malachi Mann but suspect he comes from one of the Mann family lines in North Carolina. There is a reference to him as Capt Malachi Mann in the Rev War in an Edgecombe Co unit but that is where the trail goes cold. I wondered if you had ever heard of a Malachi Mann from one of your branches.
Thanks, Myron
City: Sydney
Country: Australia

Name: Donna LaceyDate: 11/5/2009
I am trying to locate a Wilma Berry Mann. She was born in my hometown of Corbin, Kentucky and married a Charles Mann. She has done some writing found with the John Birch Society. My father has asked me to see if I can find any information on her. He would like to speak to her in regards to re-publishing an article which he found in a 1987 publication.

Thanks for your help.
Donna Lacey
City: Franklin
Country: United States

Name: Nancy D. GriffithDate: 6/5/2009
Thanks for sending me the 2009 Mann Reunion Postcard. It made me pick up my dusty files again and I hope to make the reunion this year. I used to come with my grandmother, Mamie Mann, mother Dora Mann Dobbins, aunts, Francis Mann Willett, Jeanette Mann Payne, and Helen Mann Graham but it's been a while. Now I see Uncle Tommie and his family and cousin Bobby Payne came in 2008. Terrific!

Your site is wonderful. You've put so much work into it and I've learned alot already! Again, thanks. Nancy
State:West Virginia
City: Keyser
Country: United States

Name: Rebecca Lynn McLean EllisDate: 8/18/2008
Thiis is such an incredibly great website. I will have to keep checking it out. Please keep me posted.

My own family is starting to spread now - oldest daughter just got married.

Thanks for keeping everyone in touch. This is a tremendous service to the family and a true labor of love
City: Dallas
Country: United States


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